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Strategies To Help Dyslexic Students Succeed In The Admissions Process

Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects an individual's ability to read, write, and spell. As such, it can create unique challenges for those who are applying to college or university. Although dyslexia can be a barrier to academic success, there are strategies that can help dyslexic students succeed in the admissions process.

The first step is to be open and honest about the situation. A college admissions counselor should be made aware of the student's dyslexia when they first make contact. This will allow them to be more understanding and better able to provide support and assistance. To acquire more information about the admission process for dyslexic learners, you may visit

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The second step is to create an individualized plan. This plan should include strategies for studying, such as using audiobooks, note-taking software, and online tutoring services. It should also include steps for managing stress and anxiety, as dyslexia can be a source of frustration and feelings of inadequacy.

The third step is to prepare for the application process. This may include researching colleges that offer accommodations for dyslexic students, such as extended time for tests or modified tests. It may also include creating a timeline for completing applications and following up with admissions counselors.

Finally, it is important to stay organized and focused. Dyslexic students may require more time to complete tasks, but staying organized and on task will help them stay on track and not become overwhelmed.


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